Literary science

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1 - 30 of 248 results
Product no.: 5401146
24.90 *
Delivery weight: 300 g

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Product no.: 5401142
16.90 *
Delivery weight: 300 g

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Product no.: 5401125
22.90 *
Delivery weight: 230 g

In stock

Product no.: 5401105
74.90 *

Not in stock

Product no.: 4901554
27.90 *
Delivery weight: 1,800 g

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Product no.: 4901553
17.90 *
Delivery weight: 1,500 g

In stock

Product no.: 4900749
26.90 *
Delivery weight: 350 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5400940
44.90 *
Delivery weight: 1,700 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5400769
15.90 *
Delivery weight: 200 g

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Product no.: 4000582
Kniha prináša dejiny kreovania realistického sposobu nazerania na svet v slovenskej literatúru. Jej súčastou sú aj medailóny viacerých slovenských autorov tvoriacich v druhej polovici 19. storočia a v prvých rokách 20. storočia.
16.00 *
Delivery weight: 330 g

In stock

Product no.: 4000586
Kniha sa venuje literárnoteoretickým aspektom žánrov príležitostnej poézie, analyzuje ich literárnosmerovú podobu, kompozíciu, osobitne si všíma ich estetickú hodnotu.
7.00 *
Delivery weight: 200 g

In stock

Product no.: 4800441
26.90 *
Delivery weight: 900 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5400082
25.90 *
Delivery weight: 450 g

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Product no.: 5400482
23.90 *
Delivery weight: 210 g

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Product no.: 5400393
23.90 *
Delivery weight: 600 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5400356
26.90 *
Delivery weight: 250 g

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Product no.: 5400257
23.90 *
Delivery weight: 250 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5400245
25.90 *
Delivery weight: 850 g

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Product no.: 5400222
14.90 *
Delivery weight: 130 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5400221
17.90 *
Product no.: 5400187
25.90 *
Delivery weight: 250 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5400126
25.90 *
Delivery weight: 330 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5400125
26.90 *
Delivery weight: 550 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5300686
17.90 *
Product no.: 5301350
23.90 *
Delivery weight: 280 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5301244
22.90 *
Delivery weight: 260 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5300997
44.90 *
Delivery weight: 1,050 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5300865
13.90 *
Product no.: 5300771
23.90 *
Delivery weight: 230 g

Not in stock

Product no.: 5300752
49.90 *
Delivery weight: 1,100 g

Not in stock

* Prices include VAT, plus delivery
1 - 30 of 248 results