Prager wirtschatfs-und sozialhistorische Mitteilungen 19/2014/1.Prague economic and social history p

Artikel-Nr.: 4500978

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Versandgewicht: 240 g


Historical Consciousness of German Travellers to Bohemia (1750–1850). Women in the Building Era of Czechoslovakia 1945–1948: “Two-Year Period Unfeasible without the Participation of Women!”. The Fall and Rise of the City of Most: On the Dynamics of Socialist Modernity. Troubles of Socialist Economic Integration: Czechoslovakia and Joint Projects within the CMEA in 1970s and 1980s.  Historiography and historical memory Bohdan Chudoba: the Tragic Story of a Talented Man.

Weitere Produktinformationen

Erscheinungsort Praha
Verlag Filozofická fakulta UK
Jahrgang / Erscheinungsjahr / Nr. 19/2014/1
Erscheinungsweise / Jahr 2x
ISSN 1803-7518
  • Broschiert

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